
Friday, September 16, 2011

Big Day

I have a Big Day coming up. A day that sends my heart into my throat when I think about it. It has seemed like a far off event for so many months now.

But it looms.

It's coming.

Though I have many talents, stopping time is not one of them. I am writing this through bleary eyes, a few sniffles, a pile of uncertainty, a gallon of guilt and a tinge of excitement.

You know the typical mommy stuff. One minute I am beaming at my sleeping Prince thinking how can he get any more perfect. The next minute (with mangled hair and a dead banana smooshed on my shoulder) I am wrestling with the behavior of a 2 feet tall gnome who must be on a mission to ruin my day.

Oh, the joy of motherhood.

These things you will only know about once you are a mother. There are secrets that must be kept in order to ensure that our human race survives. No one tells you until you are knee-deep in diapers and then everyone wants to commiserate. (Evil laugh.) It's okay, I am not bitter.

Bowl by Elm Studios Online   Buy it here

So you are probably waiting for the Big Day details. Wait for it.....

My little Prince is starting daycare. (Slobbering wet mess, computer is short-circuiting from my tears.)

Aside from dealing with all the emotions of the day, there are lists of items and rules and clothes they need. This is going to take some major planning. All I can see (and fear) are germs everywhere. A room full of drooling gnomes.

Everything must be labeled. This squelches part of my fear. I can label ALL of my sweet Prince's stuff so no drooling gnomes get to it. Which brings me to my new best friend! She should be the Queen of the Mothers' or some royal title. My Two Babes design is a gold mine for all things labeled.

Check out these amazing labels they made. They are vinyl labels for sippy cups, utensils, toys, pacifiers, backpacks, bottles...ugh, I am out of breath. Basically, you slap them on everything! As a mother of twins, (Bless her!) the owner knows how to lose things and get them back. The labels are also dishwasher safe and waterproof. How perfect is that!

This really makes me feel like I have the world on a string. Even if just for a moment.

Check out the entire range here. My Two Babes designs on Etsy

Vinyl Name Labels by My Two Babes designs

Vinyl Name Labels by My Two Babes designs


  1. Thanks for the great post! I really appreciate the shout-out! ♥ Kristin

  2. Absolutely! You are so talented. Best of luck!

  3. Great insights, however if someone would have shared those precious moments you would have to experience it before you believed it. Agh! A mothers wisdom is never appreciated, even when you share your advice. Mother

  4. You were fore warned, but a mother is so unappreciated
