
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Before my full-time job as a Mama, I spent nearly a month each year in Europe. One of my favorite places on Earth happens to be France. (I was French in another lifetime. I am sure.) I anticipated visiting my favorite cafes, stores, bars and museums. Hey, I know I am a creature of habit. But I would sprinkle my favorites locales with new discoveries that would become my future favorites!

Oh, here I am in Paris on my way to secret places with my map.

I know of a secret bar where the barkeeper is a chemist and makes your drink based upon your mood. There is the most romantic cafe in the Marais arrondissement of Paris that serves the largest portion of mousse au chocolat I have ever seen. You basically eat until you cannot eat any more.

Oh yes, then there is the coolest lunch spot where locals eat elbow to elbow from communal dining tables while yelling back and forth to the chef in the kitchen. Yes, its that tiny. Yes, its packed. Yes, its totally worth it. The cuisine and the ambience, you cannot beat it!

Meandering the streets, shopping, sifting through the trends or eating my way around Paris I made so many great discoveries. I could tell the locales where to go! I always had my favorite clothing brands that were distinctly French like Maje, Tara Jarmon and Claudie Pierlot. I loved going see the newest collections while working in France. Especially because you could not get these brands very easily outside of Europe.

But every year, these brands began filtering out of France, crossed the borders and landed stateside. At first it was at an indie boutique, then a guest designer for a chain store and today you can get these brands at many department stores.

The first feeling I may have had upon discovering the joys of my favorite French brands less than one mile from my home was a jolt of excitement.  But once I stopped by to shop the stores I felt deflated. It wasn't the same experience. It lacked a certain "je ne sais quoi. " The French factor was missing.

I stopped by a few more times thinking it might not have been a collection that apealled to me. Alas, there was no heart racing, no excitement, no flinging clothes all around the dressing rooms and no slapping my credit card down . The inspiration of the collection was lost on me. Kind of like lost in translation.

But I have ONE exception. This maybe an exception because it is food and not clothing. But it's my silver lining of globalization. If you've been to Paris you know the "crème de la crème" of macarons is from a sweet little place called Ladurée.

Laduree Entrance
Breath deep and smell the sweetness. Don't forget to take in the color palette too.

A macaron is a little sphere of heaven. It demands that you eat it slowly, savoring the crisp outside texture that combines with the tender ganache on each bite. Believe me, you want to shove them all in your mouth but then you would be sad because there would be no more.

So savor them!

These little delicacies were originally served in a traditional salon de thé which is the first public place where ladies could meet and mingle, exchange ideas and merriment. They are a symbol of freedom! Or maybe they are a symbol of this woman, hard exterior with sweet, soft inside?

Hmmm, maybe.

They are not to be missed. If you are in New York City, venture to the Upper East Side of Manhattan and buy yourself some freedom! Take those little darlings a few blocks over to Central Park, sit on a bench and channel your inner Marie Antoinette!

Flavors this week included Pistachio, Chocolate, Rose, Coconut, Salted Caramel, Coffee, Raspberry, Vanilla, and Lemon. They often introduce a new flavor every few months.

      Darling Packaging

P.S. If you are very sweet and tell me your favorite flavor I will give you my secret places in Paris.