Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Feather of a Bird

The latest obsession for me has become the peacock. It just hit me the other day. As most of my obsessions often seem to pluck at me until I give in to them. They are very demanding.

Yes, like those jeans last week. Still have to mention that to hubby!

I went into my one of my favorite trim shops in New York to get a few non-essentials for a Halloween costume when these gorgeous feathers were dangling right there by the cash register. I bought one and merrily skipped home in the rain with an umbrella in one hand. The other hand clutched one large, beautiful peacock feather that bounced in time with my own steps. 

I was proud walking home with my feather. Chest puffed out.  A little strut to my walk.

The peacock replaces his feathers every year. Let's go of it's old baggage. The peacock is pure renewal. It has also come to symbolize glory, immortality, nobility, guidance and protection. When we strive to become better people than we were last year, yesterday or in the past hour we elevate human kind. Simple gestures have profound affects. 

Have a renewing week!

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